Weekly Reflection

Circumcision of our Lord – New Year’s Day – Cycle “B”, January 1, 2012

Circumcision remained a command of God and a sign of membership in Abraham’s family. But it was more than this as well. In Leviticus, God himself revealed the true meaning of circumcision: “But if they confess their iniquity, that they have walked contrary to me, . . . if their uncircumcised hearts are humbled, then […]

Circumcision of our Lord – New Year’s Day – Cycle “B”, January 1, 2012 Read More »

Nativity of Our Lord – Mass During the Day – Cycle “B”, December 25, 2011

Today we hear the beginning of St. John’s Gospel, in which the evangelist ponders the beginning of all things from the spiritual perspective. He begins on the grandest of scales: in the beginning, there was only God, and the Word was with God. Through this Word, everything came into being. Everything that had life, had

Nativity of Our Lord – Mass During the Day – Cycle “B”, December 25, 2011 Read More »

Nativity of Our Lord – Midnight Mass – Cycle “B”, December 24/25, 2011

There are times when we can be comforted by the romanticcised picture of Christmas with which we are also so familiar: the familiar story, the crib, memories of childhood, Christmas ritual. There are times too when we can see behind the story to the coming of God into the harsh realities of human life. We

Nativity of Our Lord – Midnight Mass – Cycle “B”, December 24/25, 2011 Read More »

Fourth Sunday in Advent – Cycle “B”, December 18, 2011

Among the influential names of world history are the founders of the great religions. Unique among them is the role played by Mary in the foundation of Christianity. In none of the other religions is an ordinary woman asked to play such an important role. In the mystery of the incarnation, the Lord empties himself

Fourth Sunday in Advent – Cycle “B”, December 18, 2011 Read More »

Solemnity – Christ the King – Cycle “A”, November 20, 2011

Today’s solemnity of Christ the King invites us to celebrate a King who embraced humanity with compassion and love, neither rejecting nor excluding anyone. It is challenging, because our secular world encourages individualism. As people of the body of Christ, we are called to selfless love in communion with one another. Jesus does not distinguish

Solemnity – Christ the King – Cycle “A”, November 20, 2011 Read More »

Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle “A”, November 13, 2011

Jesus tells the parable about the talents after He has warned His disciples that the Son of Man will be returning one day in glory and that there will be an accounting. In His preaching He has spoken of God’s unbounded mercy and love, and He has demonstrated this in His ministry by the way

Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle “A”, November 13, 2011 Read More »

Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle “A”, November 6, 2011

The ancient writer of today’s first reading says to us that wisdom is to be found by those who look for her: “Watch for her early and you will have no trouble; you will find her sitting at your gates.” Wisdom is a grace of God, which is meant for human hearts. Our hearts are

Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle “A”, November 6, 2011 Read More »

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