Weekly Reflection

Solemnity – Institution of the PNCC – Third Sunday of Lent – Cycle “B”, March 11, 2012

On the 2nd Sunday in March we commemorate the organizing of the PNCC, that moment when the Holy Spirit called this branch of the Holy Catholic Church into existence. It is a time for all Polish National Catholics to express their thanks to God for the guidance, grace, and protection which He has bestowed upon […]

Solemnity – Institution of the PNCC – Third Sunday of Lent – Cycle “B”, March 11, 2012 Read More »

Quinquagesima Sunday/Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle “B”, February 19, 2012

The great promise of life, the desire of every human heart, was the clear concern of the people who crowded around the house where Jesus was staying in Capernaum. The great preacher was back in town, and “nobody speaks like this man”. People wanted to listen to Him. What He said was inspiring. He was

Quinquagesima Sunday/Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle “B”, February 19, 2012 Read More »

Sexagesima Sunday/Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle “B”, February 12, 2012

Human beings are rational animals, and our reason and our feelings, our passions, are meant to be integrated in life to reach a certain goal. For us, of course, that goal is eternal life with God. So it is right that we should have passions such as love, anger, fear, joy, sadness and desire –

Sexagesima Sunday/Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle “B”, February 12, 2012 Read More »

Septuagesima Sunday/Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle “B”, February 5, 2012

In the Gospel today there is no attempt to answer the question, “Why suffering?” In other passages Jesus emphasises that it is not the consequence of sin, refuting this commonly accepted belief among His contemporaries, but more than that He does not say. When confronted with human suffering, He chooses to heal rather than philosophise.

Septuagesima Sunday/Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle “B”, February 5, 2012 Read More »

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle “B”, January 29, 2012

When Jesus taught in the synagouge, His authority was derived not from the power of holding a religious office, nor from mere expertise. The authority that Jesus possessed, then and now, is from His being one with the author, the creator, of the very truth He propounded. As God creates the world by God’s word

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle “B”, January 29, 2012 Read More »

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle “B”, January 15, 2012

Today we hear about a young boy, Samuel, brought up in the house of the priest Eli. He thought he heard his master calling him, but eventually he was instructed how to answer the call. It was God who was calling him, and Samuel was to reply, “Speak, Lord, Your servant is listening.” From that

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle “B”, January 15, 2012 Read More »

Humble Shepherds/Baptism of the Lord – Cycle “B”, January 8, 2012

St. John prepares the people for Jesus, and Jesus arrives and is baptized. It is so familiar that we run the risk of not seeing how amazing this story is. Firstly, John the Baptist has developed a big following and is an important spiritual leader, yet here he is telling the people that someone much

Humble Shepherds/Baptism of the Lord – Cycle “B”, January 8, 2012 Read More »

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