Thirty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time – “B” – November 25, 2012 Solemnity – Christ the King

The readings for today’s celebration of the great feast of Christ the Kings speak to us of the Lord’s sovereign rule over all time and space. But they also speak about the places of muddle and difficulty. This is where this majesty is revealed. In the Gospel we see Jesus indiscussion with Pontius Pilate, the

Thirty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time – “B” – November 25, 2012 Solemnity – Christ the King Read More »

Thirty First Sunday in Ordinary Time – “B” – November 4, 2012

Food in the form of bread, wine and water, everyday things, lies at the heart of our sacramental practice. As St. Theresa of Avila told her sisters: “God is found among the pots and pans.” If you visit her convent in Avila today, among other pious memorabilia in the little repository shop, you can buy

Thirty First Sunday in Ordinary Time – “B” – November 4, 2012 Read More »

Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time – “B” – Heritage Sunday – October 21, 2012

When John and James approached Jesus and asked to be given prominent places in the kingdom of God, Jesus told them that heaven is not like an earthly kingdom in which there are places of greater and lesser importance, where a person’s value lies in power and material possessions. If James and John wanted to

Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time – “B” – Heritage Sunday – October 21, 2012 Read More »

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