Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle “C”, July 11, 2010

To be rejected for whatever reason always causes suffering to the one rejected. The Samaritan is Jesus’ parable would have known what it was like to be rejected. Samaria had been the ancient center of Israel. But the Samaritans were descended from immigrants who had settled in Samaria, and the Jewish people looked on them […]

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle “C”, July 11, 2010 Read More »

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle “C”, July 4, 2010

Although St. Luke doesn’t tell us any of the name of the seventy-two whom Jesus sent out ahead of Him, they must have been an impressive body of people. They had such faith in Jesus’ word that they were prepared to do exactly what He asked them. They were to be trailblazers, seventy-two pioneers, all

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle “C”, July 4, 2010 Read More »

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle “C”, June 27, 2010

At the beginning of the journey, three potential disciples appear. Their enthusiasm must have been tested, if not dented, as Jesus talks of the cost of discipleship. St. Luke frequently highlights the gentleness and compassion of Jesus, but when it comes to the commitment required of would-be disciples, He makes no attempt to soften the

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle “C”, June 27, 2010 Read More »

Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle “C”, June 20, 2010 and Father’s Day

Jesus had begun His ministry by announcing the kingdom of God. He called disciples to follow Him and then revealed to them, by His miracles, His exorcisms and His teaching, what God’s rule meant. In today’s Gospel, Jesus questions His disciples about His true identity; and so, having heard what the crowds say about Him,

Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle “C”, June 20, 2010 and Father’s Day Read More »

Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle “C”, June 13, 2010

In the Gospel, Jesus does act as the anointed one of God., the Christ. He exercises the mercy and compassion of God in pronouncing the woman free from her sin. He recognizes the meaning behind the women’s symbolic actions – her weeping, her kisses, her anointing of His feet. He acknowledges her change of status

Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle “C”, June 13, 2010 Read More »

Sunday within the Octave of Corpus Christi – Cycle “C”, June 6, 2010

Jesus gathered His friends, on the night before He died, and, sharing bread and wine with them, said, “This is My body…This is My blood.” The Gospel writers, recording this event, remembered also an earlier event, when Jesus took bread, blessed it and broke it, and gave it to people to eat. It was on

Sunday within the Octave of Corpus Christi – Cycle “C”, June 6, 2010 Read More »

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