Thirty First Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle “C”, October 31, 2010

In today’s second reading, St. Paul prays that God will “fulfill all your desires for goodness.” Zacchaus’ desires for goodness were fulfilled as he responded to them. He did not let his good feelings run to waste. He turned his emotions into actions and his thoughts into deeds. He acted on his desire to see

Thirty First Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle “C”, October 31, 2010 Read More »

Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle “C”, October 17, 2010 (Heritage Sunday)

Just before today’s passage in St. Luke’s Gospel, Jesus has been telling His disciples about His return in glory and the final establishment of His kingdom. When will it happen? There are no instant answers. It may take time; they will have to be patient and wait. They are called to have faith, faith that

Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle “C”, October 17, 2010 (Heritage Sunday) Read More »

Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle “C”, October 3, 2010

The Gospel reading today talks of duty in the sense that is shared by parents who make sacrifices for their children, or by members of the armed services who risk their lives for their country. We are morally obliged to God for everything, from our lives to the world around us. Everything has been given

Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle “C”, October 3, 2010 Read More »

Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle “C”, September 26, 2010

Jesus tells this dramatic parable to put across several points. The first and most obvious is the need of another. Linked with this is the necessity for justice. Secondly, the torment of the rich man is not just about the punishment he is receiving, but also about the rewards he is missing out on: he

Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle “C”, September 26, 2010 Read More »

Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle “C”, September 12, 2010

It is amazing how often Jesus spoke about finances, and today’s Gospel is just one instance. Here Jesus does not applaud the stewards practices, but rather his insights into the connection between resources and relationships. The steward is in a crunch, since he’ll soon be jobless with a shady reputation. The amount he forgives the

Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time – Cycle “C”, September 12, 2010 Read More »

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