Parish life

Parish Flea Market Photos

On Saturday, March 20, 2010 our parish organized a Flea Market from 8:00AM – 2:00PM. Thank you to Parishioners who were involved with this project: Mr. Jacob Komara, Mrs. Anne Andruscavage, Ms. Amy Andruscavage, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Petrusky, Mrs. Violet Cegielski, Mrs. Claire Mallick, Mrs. Mary Ann Hoppes, Mrs. Kellie Solnoki. A special “thanks”

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Advance Schedule for Holy Week and Easter 2010

PALM SUNDAY, March 28th 11:00AM – The Liturgy starts Before Mass – Blessing and procession with Palms HOLY TUESDAY, March 30th 10:00AM – Clergy Conference of the Central Diocese in Scranton, PA and Holy Mass of Chrism (4:00pm) MAUNDY THURSDAY, April 1st 6:00PM – Holy Thursday Mass in Shenandoah. 7:30PM – Holy Thursday Mass in

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