Holy Saturday, April 3, 2010

Yesterday afternoon we left the church in sadness, but in knowledge that Jesus had taken the pain and suffering of the world to Himself so that He could transform it and lead us to glory. Tonight we have gone back over the story of God’s people which led to the coming of Christ so that now we can celebrate the event that has changed everything.

To be a disciple of Jesus is to be a witness to His resurrection. The messengers at the tomb remind the women of what Jesus had said about His passion, death and resurrection, and we are told that “they remembered His words.” This remembering, this putting the story together is once again to piece the story together for ourselves and see how it helps us to piece together the hopes and joys, the fears, anxieties and sufferings of our own lives. The more we can do that, the more we come to realize that the story of the resurrection is not a historical event, but a living reality.

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