Today Jesus announces that He is the living bread come down from heaven to satisfy our deepest longings. He declares that in His flesh and blood God’s life dwells, and that whoever shares in this nourishment will find union with God and the fullness of life.
In Jesus, God enters us and calls us to seek nourishment for our souls in the midst of our daily experiences. By living and loving in the manner of Christ, by gathering together as communities of faith to share the feast of life with the person of Christ given to us in the Eucharist, we can begin to glimpse the real presence of God in our midst.
It is a wisdom born of a deep sense of the immense closeness of God to the human heart. Once this wisdom from God makes its home in our flesh and blood we too are called in our own way to become nourishment for those around us.
“If God is the captain of our fate, our boat may rock, but it will never sink.†— (Jessie Brown, Cypress Inn, Tennessee)